Company Name
CMC Woodworking Machinery
Company Profile
"Wood pumps through my blood", are the words used by the CEO of CMC Woodworking Machinery Supplies South Africa, to perfectly describe his vision and passion for starting CMC in 1991. Mr. Pieter Olivier served his time as a machinist apprentice, with thirty six years of experience in the woodworking industry and through many triumphs, jubilations, perserverance and determination, today, twenty one years later; he has established CMC as a major role player and leader in the industry. He was made eligible four times for the renowned "International Europe Award for Quality - New Millennium Award", based on information provided by seven thousand individuals, all entrepreneurs or members of the Trade Leaders Club from over one hundred and twelve countries. Up to date, about ninety perfect of the door manufacturing companies have been proudly set up by CMC. As one of the biggest importers and exporters in both new and refurbished machinery, our machines support the most advanced technology in the industry today.
Primary Sector