export awareness

Export Awareness Assessment

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Please answer the following questions

Assessment Questions

Please answer the following questions by selecting Yes or No where applicable

1 We are convinced that exports are an important aspect of our future survival and are able to commit a substantial amount of time to developing and international market.
2 We have an understanding of export procedures and the various roleplayers involved in processing export orders.
3 We have products/product that has/have been successfully sold in the domestic market and our production is consistent in volume and quality.
4 We have a quality management/assurance/control system in place.
5 We have a recent financial report (profit and loss statement and balance sheet)
6 We collect/gather information on potential buyers and competitors (their products and prices) on a regular basis.
7 We are prepared to rearrange the way or business operates to become internationally competitive.
8 We have an efficient communication system and sufficient resources to handle administration matters efficiently and respond to enquiries, complaints, etc.
9 We have spare capacity or are able to increase our capacity rapidly to produce over and above our domestic market needs.
10 We have access to technical expertise and have undertaken research and development in order to improve our product's features to suit international market requirements.
11 We can afford to invest in adapting our product/packaging if required.
12 We have information on the size of the world market for our product(s).
13 We have sufficient experience and adequate resources to support and develop an export marketing plan.
14 Our product/products complies/comply with a recognized South African (SABS) and/or other international standard and/or specification (Mark N/A if not applicable).
15 Our turnover grew over the last 2 years.

I agree that the above information is accurate


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