country profile

Country Profile Mauritania

Capital City, Nouakchott

Nouakchott Weather

6.308 Billion
Area in km2
MR / 222
Country/Dial Code

Independent from France in 1960, Mauritania annexed the southern third of the former Spanish Sahara (now Western Sahara) in 1976 but relinquished it after three years of raids by the Polisario guerrilla front seeking independence for the territory. Maaouya Ould Sid Ahmed TAYA seized power in a coup in 1984 and ruled Mauritania with a heavy hand for more than two decades. A series of presidential elections that he held were widely seen as flawed. A bloodless coup in August 2005 deposed President TAYA and ushered in a military council that oversaw a transition to democratic rule. Independent candidate Sidi Ould Cheikh ABDALLAHI was inaugurated in April 2007 as Mauritania's first freely and fairly elected president. His term ended prematurely in August 2008 when a military junta led by General Mohamed Ould Abdel AZIZ deposed him and installed a military council government. AZIZ was subsequently elected president in July 2009 and sworn in the following month. AZIZ sustained injuries from an accidental shooting by his own troops in October 2012 but has continued to maintain his authority. The country continues to experience ethnic tensions among its black population (Afro-Mauritanians) and white and black Moor (Arab-Berber) communities, and confronts a terrorism threat by al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).

Visa Required: Yes 



Visa Fee: Yes 

Visa Issuing Authority: Embassy of Mauritania 146 Anderson Street Tel 012-3623578 Fax 012-3623304

Compulsory Vaccination Requirements: 

Yellow Fever if coming from endemic country or travelled through an endemic country

Recommend Vaccination Requirements: 

Hepatitus A, Tetanus, Typhoid & Meningitis

Independent from France in 1960, Mauritania annexed the southern third of the former Spanish Sahara (now Western Sahara) in 1976 but relinquished it after three years of raids by the Polisario guerrilla front seeking independence for the territory. Maaouya Ould Sid Ahmed TAYA seized power in a coup in 1984 and ruled Mauritania with a heavy hand for more than two decades. A series of presidential elections that he held were widely seen as flawed. A bloodless coup in August 2005 deposed President TAYA and ushered in a military council that oversaw a transition to democratic rule. Independent candidate Sidi Ould Cheikh ABDALLAHI was inaugurated in April 2007 as Mauritania's first freely and fairly elected president. His term ended prematurely in August 2008 when a military junta led by General Mohamed Ould Abdel AZIZ deposed him and installed a military council government. AZIZ was subsequently elected president in July 2009 and sworn in the following month. AZIZ sustained injuries from an accidental shooting by his own troops in October 2012 but has continued to maintain his authority. The country continues to experience ethnic tensions among its black population (Afro-Mauritanians) and white and black Moor (Arab-Berber) communities, and confronts a terrorism threat by al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).

Country name:
conventional long form: Islamic Republic of Mauritania
conventional short form: Mauritania
local long form: Al Jumhuriyah al Islamiyah al Muritaniyah
local short form: Muritaniyah

Government type:

military junta


name: Nouakchott
geographic coordinates: 18 04 N, 15 58 W
time difference: UTC 0 (5 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time)

Administrative divisions:

13 regions (wilayas, singular - wilaya); Adrar, Assaba, Brakna, Dakhlet Nouadhibou, Gorgol, Guidimaka, Hodh ech Chargui, Hodh el Gharbi, Inchiri, Nouakchott, Tagant, Tiris Zemmour, Trarza


28 November 1960 (from France)

National holiday:

Independence Day, 28 November (1960)


previous 1964; latest adopted 12 July 1991; amended 2006, 2012 (2012)

Legal system:

mixed legal system of Islamic and French civil law

International law organization participation:

has not submitted an ICJ jurisdiction declaration; non-party state to the ICCt


18 years of age; universal

Executive branch:

chief of state: President Mohamed Ould Abdel AZIZ (since 5 August 2009); note - AZIZ, who deposed democratically elected President Sidi Ould Cheikh ABDELLAHI in a coup and installed himself as President of the High State Council on 6 August 2008, retired from the military and stepped down from the presidency in April 2009 to run for president; he was elected president in an election held on 18 July 2009
head of government: Prime Minister Moulaye Ould Mohamed LAGHDAF (since 14 August 2008)
cabinet: Council of Ministers
(For more information visit the World Leaders website Opens in New Window)
elections: president elected by popular vote for a five-year term; election last held on 18 July 2009 (next to be held by 2014)
election results: Mohamed Ould Abdel AZIZ elected president; percent of vote - Mohamed Ould Abdel AZIZ 52.6%, Messaoud Ould BOULKHEIR 16.3%, Ahmed Ould DADDAH 13.7%, other 17.4%

Legislative branch:

bicameral legislature consists of the Senate or Majlis al-Shuyukh (56 seats; 53 members elected by municipal leaders and 3 members elected for Mauritanians abroad to serve six-year terms; a portion of seats up for election every two years) and the National Assembly or Al Jamiya Al Wataniya (146 seats; 106 members elected in single- and multi-member constituencies to serve five-year terms and 40 are elected nationwide through a closed list proportional representation system to serve five-year terms; of the 40 seats elected at the nationwide level, 20 are reserved for women)
elections: Senate - last held in November 2009; National Assembly - first round last held on 23 November and second round on 21 December 2013
election results: Senate - percent of vote by party - NA; seats by party - CPM (Coalition of Majority Parties) 45, COD 7, RNRD-TAWASSOUL 4; National Assembly - percent of vote by party - NA; seats by party - UPR 75, RNRD-TAWASSOUL 16, El Wiam 10, APP 7, UDP 6, El Karam Party 6, AJD/MR 4, Surge of Youth for the Nation 4, El Vadila Party 3, PUD 3, Ravah Party 3, PRDR 3, others 6

Judicial branch:

highest court(s): Supreme Court or Cour Supreme (subdivided into 1 criminal and 2 civil chambers, each with a president and 5 counselors); Constitutional Council (consists of 6 members)
judge selection and term of office: Supreme Court president appointed by the president of the republic to serve a 5-year renewable term; Constitutional Council members appointed - 3 by the president of the republic, 2 by the president of the National Assembly, and 1 by the president of the Senate; members serve single, 9-year terms with one-third of membership renewed every 3 years
subordinate courts: High Court of Justice (cases involving treason and criminal acts of high government officials); courts of appeal; wilaya (regional) courts (located at the headquarters of each of the 13 regions); commercial and labor courts; criminal courts; moughataa (district) courts; informal/customary courts

Political parties and leaders:

Alliance for Justice and Democracy/Movement for Renewal or AJD/MR [Ibrahima Moctar SARR]
Alternative or El-Badil [Mohamed Yahdhi Ould MOCTAR HACEN]
Coalition of Majority Parties or CPM (parties supporting the regime including PRDR, UPR, UDP, RD, HATEM-PMUC, UCD)
Coalition for Pacific Alternation or CAP (coalition of opposition parties, including APP, El Wiam, and Sawab)
Coordination of Democratic Opposition or COD [Ahmed Ould DADDAH] (coalition of 11 opposition political parties including RNRD-TAWASSOUL, RFD, UFP, PNDD-ADIL, Alternative or El-Badil)
Democratic Renewal or RD [Moustapha Ould ABDEIDARRAHMANE]
El Karama Party [Cheikhna Ould Mohamed Ould HAJBOU]
El Vadila Party [Ethmane Ould Ahmed ABOULMAALY]
El Wiam [Boidiel Ould HOUMEIT]
Mauritanian Party for Unity and Change or HATEM-PMUC [Saleh Ould HANENA]
National Pact for Democracy and Development or PNDD-ADIL [Yahya Ould Ahmed El WAGHEF] (independents formerly supporting President Abdellahi)
National Rally for Freedom, Democracy and Equality or RNLDE
National Rally for Reform and Development or RNRD-TAWASSOUL [Mohamed Jamil MANSOUR] (moderate Islamists)
Party of Unity and Development or PUD [Mohamed BARO]
Popular Progressive Alliance or APP [Messaoud Ould BOULKHEIR]
Popular Front or FP [Mohamed Lemine Ch'bih Ould CHEIKH MALAININE]
Rally of Democratic Forces or RFD [Ahmed Ould DADDAH]
Ravah Party
Republican Party for Democracy and Renewal or PRDR [Mintata Mint HIDEID]
Sawab [Abdel Salem Ould HORMA]
Socialist and Democratic Unity Party or PUDS [Mahfouz Weld AZIZ]
Surge of Youth for the Nation [Lalla CHERIVA]
Union for Democracy and Progress or UDP [Naha Mint MOUKNASS]
Union for the Republic or UPR [Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamed LEMINE]
Union of Democratic Center or UCD [Cheikh Sid'Ahmed Ould BABA]
Union of the Forces for Progress or UFP [Mohamed Ould MAOULOUD]

Political pressure groups and leaders:

General Confederation of Mauritanian Workers or CGTM [Abdallahi Ould MOHAMED, secretary general]
Independent Confederation of Mauritanian Workers or CLTM [Samory Ould BEYE]
Mauritanian Workers Union or UTM [Mohamed Ely Ould BRAHIM, secretary general]
other: Arab nationalists; Ba'thists; Islamists

International organization participation:

ABEDA, ACP, AfDB, AFESD, AMF, AMU, AU, CAEU (candidate), EITI (compliant country), FAO, G-77, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICRM, IDA, IDB, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IHO (pending member), ILO, IMF, IMO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, IPU, ISO (correspondent), ITSO, ITU, ITUC (NGOs), LAS, MIGA, MIUSMA, NAM, OIC, OIF, OPCW, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, UNWTO, UPU, WCO, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO

Diplomatic representation in the US:

chief of mission: Ambassador Mohamed Lemine El HAYCEN (since 28 July 2010)
chancery: 2129 Leroy Place NW, Washington, DC 20008
telephone: [1] (202) 232-5700 through 5701
FAX: [1] (202) 319-2623

Diplomatic representation from the US:

chief of mission: Ambassador (vacant); Charge d'Affaires David REIMER
embassy: 288 Rue Abdallaye, Rue 42-100 (between Presidency building and Spanish Embassy), Nouakchott
mailing address: BP 222, Nouakchott
telephone: [222] 4525-2660 through 2663
FAX: [222] 4525-1592

Flag description:

green with a yellow five-pointed star above a yellow, horizontal crescent; the closed side of the crescent is down; the crescent, star, and color green are traditional symbols of Islam; the gold color stands for the sands of the Sahara

National symbol(s):

star and crescent

National anthem:

name: 'Hymne National de la Republique Islamique de Mauritanie' (National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania)

lyrics/music: Baba Ould CHEIKH/traditional, arranged by Tolia NIKIPROWETZKY
note: adopted 1960; the unique rhythm of the Mauritanian anthem makes it particularly challenging to sing

Western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Senegal and Western Sahara

Geographic coordinates:

20 00 N, 12 00 W

Map references:



total: 1,030,700 sq km
country comparison to the world: 29
land: 1,030,700 sq km
water: 0 sq km

Area - comparative:

slightly larger than three times the size of New Mexico

Land boundaries:

total: 5,074 km
border countries: Algeria 463 km, Mali 2,237 km, Senegal 813 km, Western Sahara 1,561 km


754 km

Maritime claims:

territorial sea: 12 nm
contiguous zone: 24 nm
exclusive economic zone: 200 nm
continental shelf: 200 nm or to the edge of the continental margin


desert; constantly hot, dry, dusty


mostly barren, flat plains of the Sahara; some central hills

Elevation extremes:

lowest point: Sebkhet Te-n-Dghamcha -5 m
highest point: Kediet Ijill 915 m

Natural resources:

iron ore, gypsum, copper, phosphate, diamonds, gold, oil, fish

Land use:

arable land: 0.44%
permanent crops: 0.01%
other: 99.55% (2011)

Irrigated land:

450.1 sq km (2004)

Total renewable water resources:

11.4 cu km (2011)

Freshwater withdrawal (domestic/industrial/agricultural):

total: 1.35 cu km/yr (7%/2%/91%)
per capita: 420.2 cu m/yr (2005)

Natural hazards:

hot, dry, dust/sand-laden sirocco wind blows primarily in March and April; periodic droughts

Environment - current issues:

overgrazing, deforestation, and soil erosion aggravated by drought are contributing to desertification; limited natural freshwater resources away from the Senegal, which is the only perennial river; locust infestation

Environment - international agreements:

party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Wetlands, Whaling
signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements

Geography - note:

most of the population is concentrated in the cities of Nouakchott and Nouadhibou and along the Senegal River in the southern part of the country

noun: Mauritanian(s)
adjective: Mauritanian

Ethnic groups:

black Moors (Haratines - Arab-speaking slaves, former slaves, and their descendants of African origin, enslaved by white Moors) 40%, white Moors (of Arab-Berber descent, known as Bidhan) 30%, black Africans (non-Arabic speaking, Halpulaar, Soninke, Wolof, and Bamara ethnic groups) 30%


Arabic (official and national), Pulaar, Soninke, Wolof (all national languages), French, Hassaniya (a variety of Arabic)


Muslim (official) 100%


3,516,806 (July 2014 est.)
country comparison to the world: 133

Age structure:

0-14 years: 39.5% (male 697,156/female 691,548)
15-24 years: 20% (male 343,214/female 358,533)
25-54 years: 32.5% (male 528,133/female 613,324)
55-64 years: 4.5% (male 71,265/female 87,086)
65 years and over: 3.5% (male 53,705/female 72,842) (2014 est.)
population pyramid:  

Dependency ratios:

total dependency ratio: 75.7 %
youth dependency ratio: 70.1 %
elderly dependency ratio: 5.6 %
potential support ratio: 17.9 (2014 est.)

Median age:

total: 19.9 years
male: 19 years
female: 20.9 years (2014 est.)

Population growth rate:

2.26% (2014 est.)
country comparison to the world: 40

Birth rate:

31.83 births/1,000 population (2014 est.)
country comparison to the world: 36

Death rate:

8.35 deaths/1,000 population (2014 est.)
country comparison to the world: 86

Net migration rate:

-0.85 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2014 est.)
country comparison to the world: 146


urban population: 41.5% of total population (2011)
rate of urbanization: 2.91% annual rate of change (2010-15 est.)

Major urban areas - population:

NOUAKCHOTT (capital) 786,000 (2011)

Sex ratio:

at birth: 1.03 male(s)/female
0-14 years: 1.01 male(s)/female
15-24 years: 0.96 male(s)/female
25-54 years: 0.86 male(s)/female
55-64 years: 0.93 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.74 male(s)/female
total population: 0.93 male(s)/female (2014 est.)

Mother's mean age at first birth:

note: median age at first birth among women 25-29 (2000-01 est.)

Maternal mortality rate:

510 deaths/100,000 live births (2010)
country comparison to the world: 19

Infant mortality rate:

total: 56.06 deaths/1,000 live births
country comparison to the world: 28
male: 61.04 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 50.93 deaths/1,000 live births (2014 est.)

Life expectancy at birth:

total population: 62.28 years
country comparison to the world: 188
male: 60 years
female: 64.63 years (2014 est.)

Total fertility rate:

4.07 children born/woman (2014 est.)
country comparison to the world: 39

Contraceptive prevalence rate:

9.3% (2007)

Health expenditures:

5.4% of GDP (2011)
country comparison to the world: 125

Physicians density:

0.13 physicians/1,000 population (2009)

Hospital bed density:

0.4 beds/1,000 population (2006)

Drinking water source:

urban: 52.3% of population
rural: 47.7% of population
total: 49.6% of population
urban: 47.7% of population
rural: 52.3% of population
total: 50.4% of population (2012 est.)

Sanitation facility access:

urban: 51.1% of population
rural: 9.2% of population
total: 26.7% of population
urban: 48.9% of population
rural: 90.8% of population
total: 73.3% of population (2012 est.)

HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate:

0.4% (2012 est.)
country comparison to the world: 83

HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:

10,500 (2012 est.)
country comparison to the world: 100

HIV/AIDS - deaths:

800 (2012 est.)
country comparison to the world: 81

Major infectious diseases:

degree of risk: very high
food or waterborne diseases: bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever
vectorborne diseases: malaria and dengue fever
respiratory disease: meningococcal meningitis
animal contact disease: rabies (2013)

Obesity - adult prevalence rate:

12.7% (2008)
country comparison to the world: 127

Children under the age of 5 years underweight:

19.5% (2012)
country comparison to the world: 32

Education expenditures:

3.7% of GDP (2011)
country comparison to the world: 120


definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 58.6%
male: 65.3%
female: 52% (2011 est.)

School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education):

total: 8 years
male: 8 years
female: 8 years (2012)

Child labor - children ages 5-14:

total number: 127,251
percentage: 16 % (2007 est.)

Economic Overview

Source: CIA World Fact Book

Economy - overview:
Mauritania's economy is dominated by natural resources and agriculture. Half the population still depends on agriculture and livestock for a livelihood, even though many of the nomads and subsistence farmers were forced into the cities by recurrent droughts in the 1970s and 1980s. Mauritania's extensive mineral resources include iron ore, gold, copper, gypsum, and phosphate rock and exploration is ongoing for uranium, crude oil, and natural gas. Extractive commodities make up 75% of Mauritania's total exports. The nation's coastal waters are among the richest fishing areas in the world, and fishing accounts for 20% of budget revenues, but overexploitation by foreigners threatens this key source of revenue. Risks to Mauritania's economy include its recurring exposure to droughts, dependence on foreign aid and investment, and insecurity in neighboring Mali, as well as significant shortages of infrastructure, institutional capacity, and human capital.

GDP (purchasing power parity):

$8.204 billion (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 156
$7.708 billion (2012 est.)
$7.212 billion (2011 est.)
note: data are in 2013 US dollars

GDP (official exchange rate):

$4.183 billion (2013 est.)

GDP - real growth rate:

6.4% (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 31
6.9% (2012 est.)
3.6% (2011 est.)

GDP - per capita (PPP):

$2,200 (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 190
$2,100 (2012 est.)
$2,000 (2011 est.)
note: data are in 2013 US dollars

Gross national saving:

27.4% of GDP (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 37
26.2% of GDP (2012 est.)
39.3% of GDP (2011 est.)

GDP - composition, by end use:

household consumption: 52.4%
government consumption: 22.7%
investment in fixed capital: 61.9%
investment in inventories: -8.9%
exports of goods and services: 56.8%
imports of goods and services: -84.9%
(2013 est.)

GDP - composition, by sector of origin:

agriculture: 16.9%
industry: 54.6%
services: 28.5% (2013 est.)

Agriculture - products:

dates, millet, sorghum, rice, corn; cattle, sheep


fish processing, oil production, mining (iron ore, gold, copper)
note: gypsum deposits have never been exploited

Industrial production growth rate:

8% (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 23

Labor force:

1.318 million (2007)
country comparison to the world: 135

Labor force - by occupation:

agriculture: 50%
industry: 2%
services: 48% (2001 est.)

Unemployment rate:

30% (2008 est.)
country comparison to the world: 184
20% (2004 est.)

Population below poverty line:

40% (2004 est.)

Household income or consumption by percentage share:

lowest 10%: 2.5%
highest 10%: 29.5% (2000)

Distribution of family income - Gini index:

39 (2000)
country comparison to the world: 66
37.3 (1995)


revenues: $1.677 billion
expenditures: $1.702 billion (2013 est.)

Taxes and other revenues:

40.1% of GDP (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 41

Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-):

-0.6% of GDP (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 59

Fiscal year:

calendar year

Inflation rate (consumer prices):

4.6% (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 150
4.9% (2012 est.)

Central bank discount rate:

9% (31 December 2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 18
12% (31 December 2007)

Commercial bank prime lending rate:

18% (31 December 2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 28
17% (31 December 2012 est.)

Stock of domestic credit:

$1.739 billion (31 December 2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 133
$1.514 billion (31 December 2012 est.)

Market value of publicly traded shares:


Current account balance:

-$1.24 billion (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 122
-$1.263 billion (2012 est.)


$2.728 billion (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 131
$2.642 billion (2012 est.)

Exports - commodities:

iron ore, fish and fish products, gold, copper, petroleum

Exports - partners:

China 50.5%, Italy 7.8%, Japan 7.3%, France 4.9%, Spain 4.2%, Cote dIvoire 4.1%, Netherlands 4% (2012)


$3.355 billion (2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 142
$3.176 billion (2012 est.)

Imports - commodities:

machinery and equipment, petroleum products, capital goods, foodstuffs, consumer goods

Imports - partners:

China 12.9%, Netherlands 10.5%, US 7.8%, France 7.8%, Brazil 5.6%, Germany 5.5%, Spain 5.1%, Belgium 4.7% (2012)

Debt - external:

$3.233 billion (31 December 2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 134
$2.922 billion (31 December 2012 est.)

Exchange rates:

ouguiyas (MRO) per US dollar -
298.1 (2013 est.)
296.6 (2012 est.)
275.89 (2010 est.)
262.4 (2009)
238.2 (2008)

Telephones - main lines in use:
65,100 (2012)
country comparison to the world: 158

Telephones - mobile cellular:

4.024 million (2012)
country comparison to the world: 121

Telephone system:

general assessment: limited system of cable and open-wire lines, minor microwave radio relay links, and radiotelephone communications stations; mobile-cellular services expanding rapidly
domestic: Mauritel, the national telecommunications company, was privatized in 2001 but remains the monopoly provider of fixed-line services; fixed-line teledensity 2 per 100 persons; mobile-cellular network coverage extends mainly to urban areas with a teledensity of roughly 106 per 100 persons; mostly cable and open-wire lines; a domestic satellite telecommunications system links Nouakchott with regional capitals
international: country code - 222; satellite earth stations - 3 (1 Intelsat - Atlantic Ocean, 2 Arabsat); fiber-optic and Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) cables for Internet access (2009)

Broadcast media:

one state-run TV (Television de Mauritanie) and one state-run radio network (Radio de Mauritanie); Television de Mauritanie has three channels, Al Mahadra station (for Islamic content) and Channels 1 and 2, which cover news, sports, and other programming; Radio de Mauritanie runs 12 regional stations as well as a radio station for youth and the Holy Quran station; five private TV channels and five private radio stations also broadcast from Mauritania; six private international radio stations broadcast in Mauritania on the FM band; with satellite connections, Mauritanians also have access to hundreds of foreign TV channels (2013)

Internet country code:


Internet hosts:

22 (2012)
country comparison to the world: 220

Internet users:

75,000 (2009)
country comparison to the world: 170

30 (2013)
country comparison to the world: 116

Airports - with paved runways:

total: 9
2,438 to 3,047 m: 5
1,524 to 2,437 m: 4 (2013)

Airports - with unpaved runways:

total: 21
2,438 to 3,047 m: 1
1,524 to 2,437 m: 10
914 to 1,523 m: 8
under 914 m: 
2 (2013)


728 km
standard gauge: 728 km 1.435-m gauge (2008)


total: 10,628 km
country comparison to the world: 133
paved: 3,158 km
unpaved: 7,470 km (2010)


(some navigation is possible on the Senegal River) (2011)

Ports and terminals:

major seaport(s): Nouadhibou, Nouakchott

Electricity - production:
701 million kWh (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 154

Electricity - consumption:

651.9 million kWh (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 162

Electricity - exports:

0 kWh (2012 est.)
country comparison to the world: 169

Electricity - imports:

0 kWh (2012 est.)
country comparison to the world: 172

Electricity - installed generating capacity:

263,000 kW (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 154

Electricity - from fossil fuels:

63.1% of total installed capacity (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 128

Electricity - from nuclear fuels:

0% of total installed capacity (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 141

Electricity - from hydroelectric plants:

36.9% of total installed capacity (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 63

Electricity - from other renewable sources:

0% of total installed capacity (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 203

Crude oil - production:

6,577 bbl/day (2012 est.)
country comparison to the world: 95

Crude oil - exports:

7,337 bbl/day (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 62

Crude oil - imports:

0 bbl/day (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 94

Crude oil - proved reserves:

20 million bbl (1 January 2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 84

Refined petroleum products - production:

0 bbl/day (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 175

Refined petroleum products - consumption:

18,120 bbl/day (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 133

Refined petroleum products - exports:

0 bbl/day (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 200

Refined petroleum products - imports:

12,810 bbl/day (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 126

Natural gas - production:

0 cu m (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 168

Natural gas - consumption:

0 cu m (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 173

Natural gas - exports:

0 cu m (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 150

Natural gas - imports:

0 cu m (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 97

Natural gas - proved reserves:

28.32 billion cu m (1 January 2013 est.)
country comparison to the world: 71

Carbon dioxide emissions from consumption of energy:

1.774 million Mt (2011 est.)

Realistic Export Opportunies

Source: TRADE Decision Support Model

A total of 56 Realistic Export Opportunities (REOs) from South Africa to Mauritania are identified based on the North-West University’s (South Africa) TRADE Decision Support Model (DSM).

The methodology is a very useful instrument to identify market opportunities globally for one’s product and also provides a good reference for one to be able to prioritise marketing efforts based on the value and size of these opportunities.

The TRADE-DSM Navigator provides sound information that companies are able to use in developing their export marketing strategy and forms the basis and guidance for further research should this be required.

In total 56 of the products associated with import demand are identified as realistic export opportunities. The relative 'untapped' potential of the market opportunity is shown in the chart below:

A total 'untapped' potential from South Africa's perspective of approximately 0.02 (in million US dollar terms) based on the average value of the top 6 supplying countries (excluding South Africa) are associated with these specific product export opportunities.

The highest number of identified opportunities are associated with the economic sector of

Food (301-304) .

Not all sectors will be present, as not all economic sectors (some of which are based on economic activity while the REOs are based on traded products) are relevant for all products. However, various other sectors also do exhibit potential.

While the above examples are based on high level economic sectors, the information is available at a much more granular level on the HS 6-digit tariff code level. To demonstrate the following example of a product description is provided:

Sub-heading 84.27:
Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment:
HS 6-digit product code 8427.10:
Self-propelled trucks powered by an electric motor.

Research reports containing more detailed information related to these realistic export opportunities (down to product level as illustrated with the above product description) for each country are available from TIKZN.

Please contact us if you are interested in more detail by clicking here.

For an example of a more detailed country report please click here.

Please note that a more up-to-date version for the specific country report used in this example is available from TIKZN. This report is provided for demonstration purposes only and should not be used for any decision-making.

For more in-depth research you can also contact our NWU knowledge partners at
TRADE Research Advisory.

Trade Leads

Source: DTI Trade Lead Bulletins

Ref Date Received Officials Details Nature of Enquiry
Ref Date Received Officials Details Nature of Enquiry
# Description Chapter Amount in Rands
1 Total Trade 00 R 12,828,215.00
2 Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, etc 27 R 10,113,919.00
3 Iron and steel 72 R 1,228,717.00
4 Miscellaneous chemical products 38 R 589,377.00
5 Inorganic chemicals, precious metal compound, isotopes 28 R 322,534.00
6 Articles of iron or steel 73 R 316,152.00
7 Vehicles other than railway, tramway 87 R 226,646.00
8 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, etc 84 R 30,870.00
# Description Chapter Amount
# Description Chapter Amount in Rands
1 Total Trade 00 R 301,305,376.00
2 Aluminium and articles thereof 76 R 296,065,525.00
3 Articles of iron or steel 73 R 1,402,783.00
4 Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, etc 27 R 1,196,356.00
5 Tanning, dyeing extracts, tannins, derivs,pigments etc 32 R 841,628.00
6 Oil seed, oleagic fruits, grain, seed, fruit, etc, nes 12 R 791,666.00
7 Rubber and articles thereof 40 R 610,549.00
8 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, etc 84 R 301,951.00
9 Wadding, felt, nonwovens, yarns, twine, cordage, etc 56 R 55,958.00
10 Vehicles other than railway, tramway 87 R 38,960.00
# Description Chapter Amount
# Description Chapter Amount in Rands
1 Total Trade 00 R 138,463,924.00
2 Aluminium and articles thereof 76 R 130,937,662.00
3 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, etc 84 R 1,451,484.00
4 Tanning, dyeing extracts, tannins, derivs,pigments etc 32 R 1,209,109.00
5 Articles of apparel, accessories, knit or crochet 61 R 1,060,334.00
6 Inorganic chemicals, precious metal compound, isotopes 28 R 910,791.00
7 Articles of iron or steel 73 R 853,450.00
8 Electrical, electronic equipment 85 R 698,593.00
9 Articles of apparel, accessories, not knit or crochet 62 R 504,354.00
10 Rubber and articles thereof 40 R 272,990.00
11 Toys, games, sports requisites 95 R 153,645.00
12 Furniture, lighting, signs, prefabricated buildings 94 R 93,493.00
13 Optical, photo, technical, medical, etc apparatus 90 R 84,770.00
14 Plastics and articles thereof 39 R 68,888.00
15 Wadding, felt, nonwovens, yarns, twine, cordage, etc 56 R 55,858.00
16 Railway, tramway locomotives, rolling stock, equipment 86 R 36,595.00
17 Footwear, gaiters and the like, parts thereof 64 R 31,008.00
18 Pharmaceutical products 30 R 30,700.00
19 Headgear and parts thereof 65 R 3,530.00
20 Ceramic products 69 R 2,895.00
21 Articles of leather, animal gut, harness, travel goods 42 R 2,000.00
22 Iron and steel 72 R 1,775.00
# Description Chapter Amount
# Description Chapter Amount in Rands
1 Total Trade 00 R 7,221,638.00
2 Articles of iron or steel 73 R 3,289,117.00
3 Tanning, dyeing extracts, tannins, derivs,pigments etc 32 R 1,869,711.00
4 Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, etc 27 R 659,217.00
5 Articles of apparel, accessories, not knit or crochet 62 R 357,854.00
6 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, etc 84 R 317,435.00
7 Albuminoids, modified starches, glues, enzymes 35 R 251,624.00
8 Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof 88 R 176,100.00
9 Wadding, felt, nonwovens, yarns, twine, cordage, etc 56 R 73,708.00
10 Soaps, lubricants, waxes, candles, modelling pastes 34 R 39,686.00
11 Salt, sulphur, earth, stone, plaster, lime and cement 25 R 28,442.00
12 Tools, implements, cutlery, etc of base metal 82 R 26,906.00
13 Plastics and articles thereof 39 R 26,055.00
14 Miscellaneous chemical products 38 R 25,548.00
15 Electrical, electronic equipment 85 R 24,119.00
16 Rubber and articles thereof 40 R 23,716.00
17 Furniture, lighting, signs, prefabricated buildings 94 R 15,600.00
18 Miscellaneous articles of base metal 83 R 9,680.00
19 Stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica, etc articles 68 R 4,150.00
20 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 96 R 2,351.00
21 Optical, photo, technical, medical, etc apparatus 90 R 240.00
22 Organic chemicals 29 R 153.00
23 Other made textile articles, sets, worn clothing etc 63 R 95.00
24 Articles of leather, animal gut, harness, travel goods 42 R 87.00
25 Headgear and parts thereof 65 R 39.00
26 Paper & paperboard, articles of pulp, paper and board 48 R 5.00
# Description Chapter Amount
# Description Chapter Amount in Rands
1 Total Trade 00 R 9,978,366.00
2 Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, etc 27 R 3,455,267.00
3 Tanning, dyeing extracts, tannins, derivs,pigments etc 32 R 2,943,271.00
4 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, etc 84 R 1,886,291.00
5 Articles of iron or steel 73 R 1,091,484.00
6 Pharmaceutical products 30 R 225,144.00
7 Rubber and articles thereof 40 R 211,149.00
8 Articles of apparel, accessories, knit or crochet 61 R 68,400.00
9 Wadding, felt, nonwovens, yarns, twine, cordage, etc 56 R 46,386.00
10 Printed books, newspapers, pictures etc 49 R 20,243.00
11 Articles of apparel, accessories, not knit or crochet 62 R 12,940.00
12 Plastics and articles thereof 39 R 12,293.00
13 Miscellaneous articles of base metal 83 R 5,339.00
14 Glass and glassware 70 R 159.00
# Description Chapter Amount
Export and Import Statistics

Trade Blocs

Mauritania belongs to the following Trade Blocs

Ports of entry and Airports


Port Name Code
Aioun el Atrouss AEO
Akjoujt AJJ
Aleg LEG
Atar ATR
Boghe BGH
Boutilimit OTL
Chinguitti CGT
El Gouera ZLG
Fderik FGD
Kaedi KED
Kiffa KFA
Mbout MBR
Moudjeria MOM
Nema EMN
Nouadhibou NDB
Nouakchott NKC
Point Central PCE
Selibaby SEY
Tamchakett THT
Tichitt THI
Tidjikja TIY
Timbedra TMD
Zouerate OUZ
Port Name Code
Airport Name City IATA Code
Aioun El Atrouss Aioun El Atrouss IEO
Atar Atar ATR
Bir Moghrein Bir Moghrein
Kaedi Kaedi KED
Kiffa Kiffa KFA
Nema Nema EMN
Nouadhibou Nouadhibou NDB
Nouakchott Nouakschott NKC
Selibady Selibabi SEY
Tidjikja Tidjikja TIY
Airport Name City IATA Code




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