country profile

Country Profile Albania

Capital City, Tirana

Tirana Weather

21.81 Billion
Area in km2
AL / 355
Country/Dial Code

Visa Required:  Yes  

Period/Purpose:   NA

Visa Fee:    Yes

Visa Issuing Authority:  Embassy of Albania Tel +442078288897   

Vaccination Requirement(s):   

Compulsory: Yellow Fever if coming from endemic country or travelled through an endemic country

Recommended: Hepatitus A & Tetanus, Typhoid & Polio

Economic Overview

Source: CIA World Fact Book

Realistic Export Opportunies

Source: TRADE Decision Support Model

A total of 98 Realistic Export Opportunities (REOs) from South Africa to Albania are identified based on the North-West University’s (South Africa) TRADE Decision Support Model (DSM).

The methodology is a very useful instrument to identify market opportunities globally for one’s product and also provides a good reference for one to be able to prioritise marketing efforts based on the value and size of these opportunities.

The TRADE-DSM Navigator provides sound information that companies are able to use in developing their export marketing strategy and forms the basis and guidance for further research should this be required.

In total 98 of the products associated with import demand are identified as realistic export opportunities. The relative 'untapped' potential of the market opportunity is shown in the chart below:

A total 'untapped' potential from South Africa's perspective of approximately 0.05 (in million US dollar terms) based on the average value of the top 6 supplying countries (excluding South Africa) are associated with these specific product export opportunities.

The highest number of identified opportunities are associated with the economic sector of

Food (301-304) .

Not all sectors will be present, as not all economic sectors (some of which are based on economic activity while the REOs are based on traded products) are relevant for all products. However, various other sectors also do exhibit potential.

While the above examples are based on high level economic sectors, the information is available at a much more granular level on the HS 6-digit tariff code level. To demonstrate the following example of a product description is provided:

Sub-heading 84.27:
Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment:
HS 6-digit product code 8427.10:
Self-propelled trucks powered by an electric motor.

Research reports containing more detailed information related to these realistic export opportunities (down to product level as illustrated with the above product description) for each country are available from TIKZN.

Please contact us if you are interested in more detail by clicking here.

For an example of a more detailed country report please click here.

Please note that a more up-to-date version for the specific country report used in this example is available from TIKZN. This report is provided for demonstration purposes only and should not be used for any decision-making.

For more in-depth research you can also contact our NWU knowledge partners at
TRADE Research Advisory.

Trade Leads

Source: DTI Trade Lead Bulletins

Ref Date Received Officials Details Nature of Enquiry
Ref Date Received Officials Details Nature of Enquiry
Export and Import Statistics

Trade Blocs

Albania belongs to the following Trade Blocs

Ports of entry and Airports


Port Name Code
Durres DRZ
Sarande SAR
Shengjin SHG
Tenes TEN
Tirana TIA
Vlora VOA
Port Name Code
Airport Name City IATA Code
Tirana Rinas Tirana TIA
Airport Name City IATA Code




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