The PUM Programme (Programme Uitzendings Manager)

The PUM programme (Programme Uitzendings Manager) is a Dutch-based mentorship programme, where senior retired experts in various fields are sent-out to provide 10-15-day-long mentorship (coaching) sessions to emerging companies in the developing world. There is a pool of approx. 3000 experts in various industries (excluding timber companies). TIKZN covers the costs of the experts’ local accommodation and meals. The local company must accept responsibility for the collection and drop-off of the expert at the airport, as well as the daily collection of expert at the accommodation and the transport of this expert to the place of work and drop-off back at the accommodation. The local applying company is liable for a small commitment fee to TIKZN. The applicant company applies, and if the company meets the requirements, PUM in Holland sends the cv of the person in advance for applicant company to approve. If applicant not happy with the CV PUM select another expert. The value of the PUM Mentorship Programme have been estimated to be more that R200 000 per visit.

Kindly Contact us for more information.

PUM Success Stories
PUM Application - Project Request Form
PUM Application - Customer Account Form