Electronic Certificates of Origin

TIKZN has embraced the rapid shift to e-Business and improve efficiency in serving the business community and is thus providing linkages to Electronic Certificates of Origin (eCO) which are administered by various chambers in the KZN province. Already issued by many chambers around the world, online CO services contribute significantly to a secured trading environment, help save time and costs, and increase transparency. There are security features which instils a level of confidence when using eCO system such as the online verification of the authenticity and optical watermarking technology. The eCO systems also provide electronic application as well as issue, complete with digital stamps of the chamber and signatures of authorised officials. For access to this support, kindly click on the relevant link to the Chambers of Commerce that are closest to you.

Kindly Contact us for more information.

DCCI (Durban Chamber) | PCCI (Pietermaritzburg Chamber) | Zululand Chambers eCoO online portal